LED screens are now widely used as part of a digital out of home (DOOH) advertising strategy. DOOH is one of the most effective marketing tools available, as consumer audiences are becoming increasingly fragmented. Online ads can easily be blocked or ignored, but a well-placed DOOH screen still commands the attention.

DOOH can now be precisely programmed to reach the maximum target audience at a point when they are ready to make purchasing decisions, such as at a shopping mall or airport. Although location is one of the core strategies of a DOOH campaign, marketers are constantly researching ways to optimise the content and messaging.

A recent study into the neuroscience of DOOH reported in Digital Signage Today found that there were three factors besides location which were most important: emotional resonance, brand recall, and cognitive load. 

The researchers tracked the brain activity of 104 participants with EEG technology, and recorded their responses to a variety of DOOH signs. It was found that signs with a lower cognitive load (i.e. the information was easy and quick to comprehend) performed better than those with a cognitive load of above 8%.

Signs with a low cognitive load also had a higher brand recall rate, proving that direct and simple messaging is the most memorable. DOOH signs are viewed by people who are usually in transit, even if they are just browsing in a mall, so they need to be designed to be understood with one glance.

 The other important takeaway from the study was that messages that were more localised and personalised had a higher emotional impact than a nationwide or international approach. Therefore, advertisers are now taking the time to research the locality, and find content which connects to the concerns of the local population.