Digital signage displays are now a common feature of public spaces from shops to schools and offices, to name just a few. They are indispensable for communicating real-time messages such as timetable changes or details of meetings or events. However, it can be a challenge to come up with engaging content round the clock. Here are a few suggestions.

Sector specific content

Look for news items that are specific to your particular industry or sector. This could simply be displaying your company blog page that gives details about your latest projects and achievements, or case studies of previous projects and satisfied customers. You could also use a service such as Buzzfeed to filter relevant news stories.

User-led content

If you run an educational establishment, allow students to have the opportunity to create content. This could simply be to showcase their graphic design skills, or to publicise details of clubs, societies, or charity events that they may be involved in. 

It may also include video content or any other outlet for creativity that will bring real-world experience of content creation. This helps students become more confident and motivated in their work and encourages a sense of community and autonomy. 

Image showreels

There’s nothing wrong with the simple approach: put together a selection of images from company events, school productions, open days, or examples of your products or services in action. 

Most digital screens will support a wide range of image formats such as JPEG or GIF, so it’s quick and easy to put together a showreel and upload it to the content management system (CMS). 

It’s possible to customise the duration each image is displayed for with many styles of CMS. You may also want to use image libraries that offer free or paid-for services and allow you to curate relevant images. 

Social media dashboards

If your business or organisation already puts a lot of effort into creating great social media content, then your digital screen is the perfect place to showcase it. There are dedicated apps that make sharing social media feeds super easy. 

It’s a great way to share content with customers who are increasingly used to a blended online and offline environment wherever they go. 

If your screen is in a busy commercial environment, you may wish to partner with complementary businesses and display sponsored advertisements. In return, the sponsor will pay your company a fee, so you can use your screen to supplement income.

Digital menu boards

Menu boards are not just limited to cafes and restaurants. They are also useful in large offices with canteens, and educational establishments. This means that staff or students can access the most up to date information with relevant menu items and accurate pricing. 

Wayfinding aids

Navigating larger schools, colleges, offices, or department stores can be a challenge. Use digital screens to enhance wayfinding markers or draw attention to details such as meeting rooms or last minute venue changes.