Large LED Screens for Stages & Events
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Heading 2 Example
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Check out our Reviews
K Vincent
Assistant Head Teacher
September 2024

Great service and product
Great service and product. Really insightful at the onset about design and specification. Delivered and installed ahead of schedule, excellent product!
Tom P
Head of IT
March 2024

Highly Recommended – Great Work
Needed a large screen for an office refurb. Absolutely stunning work from Pixite. The whole process from initial contact to explaining the screen and its capabilities were top notch, Installation was trouble free and finished in speedy time.
highly recommend them
Joe H.
Head of Technical
March 2024

Outstanding Quality LED Screen and great Service
Our experience with Pixite has been excellent, from the first contact to the final installation and handover. Ben and Joe have been excellent in walking us through the process and made sure my countless questions have been answered before the installation day. The installation itself was quick and without any issues, and Paul did a very useful handover.
If you’re in the market for a high quality LED screen, I would highly recommend Pixite.
Natalie Best
Head of Customer Marketing
September 2023

Good to work with
Pixite have been good to work with on our NEOM Edinburgh store and other counters. Ben is very helpful and knowledgeable.
Ryan Foulds
IT Manager
August 2023

Very good experience…
Very good experience from planning to install and test. Took on board what we wanted and delivered with expert advice.
Gerrard Woods
General Manager
August 2023

18m2 3.9mm Pixite LED Screen
Pixite supplied & installed a complete visual experience with 18m2 of 3.9mm pitch LED screen in our venue. Full training and integration with media server systems was delivered and this install provided the facility to continue growing the business, delivering the flexibility to use the venue for multiple set-ups and expanding customer appeal.
Fernando Mora
Head of IT
August 2023

Having worked with Pixite on two high-profile projects…
Having worked with Pixite on two high-profile projects, they’ve proven to be highly capable, supportive and able to deliver on our vision for teaching. The team at Pixite have always been highly responsive answering questions, offering advice and quick to resolve any issues. Pixite have been instrumental in helping us deliver innovative teaching and meeting spaces.
Charlie Collinge
Managing Director
August 2023

Brilliant video wall and CMS
We’ve have had a large Pixite video wall installed in our Collinge & Co salon in Liverpool and it is excellent.
We mainly use it to display videos, but it is also very effective as a backdrop when creating video and photographic content.
The content management software is very easy to use and we’ve had great support from Ben and Paul after the installation.
Tom Taylor
IT Manager
April 2022

Excelent Product, Service & Support
Pixite have installed 3 screens in our retail stores around the UK so far, including what was at the time one of the largest screens in a retail store in Europe.
Each time they did a fantastic job and have been excelent with their support. You only need to see the examples of their work on their website to see how impressive their vision is.
Highly Recommended!